Question #2 (Part A+B)

a. Why did you choose the specific image(s)? (3 Marks) 

The images I chose relate to the theme of the article, which is Rick Owens’ love for dark fashion, and his trending take on the fashion industry. I chose these images because they have a scheme, the same way Rick Owens’ fashion scheme is portrayed; it transitions from mostly dark, black and white images to some images in color, all retaining the same feel. These match Rick Owens because he makes mostly dark, black and white clothing, but always includes colors in some part of his fashion rollout. Another reason why I chose these images to make the imagery more consistent is because the large full-width images showcase his success as a fashion artist; there’s one showing him smiling (which is rare) in front of an audience to symbolize success, and one showing his gallery of designs, and how unique it is. This helps break up the page while keeping the theme consistent and ensuring the reader’s interest. Finally, the pictures are supposed to showcase the title of the page – the main concept – throughout the page. To portray this with minimal words, I have images showing his experimental art on display. For example, the gallery of pictures underneath the main image shows him in his own clothing, and then these alienlike models from his recent campaign in 2023, as they catch the reader off guard and relate to the main concept. Also, the bottom left picture shows his experimental art and playful fashion by showcasing his theory/mockup of his “shadows” collection, which is a concept untouched by any other fashion designer; that is what Rick Owens aims for and I tried to showcase that using imagery, which is the reason for most of my image choices. 

b. Explain in detail why the image(s) was beneficial for the post. (3 Marks) 

The point of the images is to make the reader want to continue reading and stay invested in the website. This page is meant to be an informational page on the brand/designer Rick Owens, so having images that relate to his overall tone and emotion as an artist are key. The images are beneficial to the post because first, they’re trying to inform a reader, but in the end, I’m trying to get a reader to react and encourage them to be in a buyer’s mindset by showcasing a designer brand and its clothing in a setting that makes it stand out. In this case, the reader is coming to the page to learn more about an artist they’re interested in – Rick Owens – so the images shown reflect his style in the most inspirational way possible, and make it look desirable to the consumer interested in that specific niche. This, in turn, entices consumers to go shop for some of the styles from Rick Owens, which is why there is a call-to-action at the bottom of the page, after the consumer has digested all the media and is inspired to buy some designs for themself. If a consumer goes through the whole page all the way to the bottom, it means that they’re interested in the content, making the call-to-action even more effective. Finally, the pictures help the flow and the way the viewer reads the page. It starts with a title “Experimental Success” matched with a large image of Owens receiving praise, which speaks volumes without many words at all. Second, there’s the heading “The Dark Lord” paired with darker, black and white images showing Owens and some of his more experimental, darker designs. It then breaks it up with a large panoramic image of his workspace, showcasing, once again, the “dark lord” aesthetic, keeping the tone strong throughout. Finally, I added a bulleted list in between two brighter pictures, showing Owens’ more creative side, as it explains in a short summary, the method to his madness, and his steps to success. These flow together nicely, and the theme is kept throughout, making the page readable to a consumer and easy to understand. This all reinfornces the call-to-action at the bottom, which is the main goal of the page, building off the side goal of keeping a reader interested. 


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